An intracultural study of citizenship: Nanjing, Taipei, Hong Kong and Singapore

Wing On LEE

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Recent research (Bray & Thomas 1995; Hahn, 1998) has already pointed to an obvious gap in comparative education for lack of attention to intra-country and intra-cultural comparisons. This underscores a deficiency in the current comparative studies of civic education. An intra-cultural perspective can help explore the complexities of the causes and consequences of citizenship attitudes and behaviour of young people. This study is designed to fill this fundamental gap in research. Specifically, this study will investigate the political attitudes and behaviour of young people and concepts towards citizenship in the Chinese context, with a focus on four Asian societies with predominantly Chinese populations, namely Hong Kong, Mainland China (Nanjing), Taiwan (Taipei) and Singapore. This paper will discuss the issue from theoretical and comparative perspectives, introduce the design of the study, and the major findings.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventThe 28th Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference: Civic Values and Social Responsibility in a Global Context - The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Duration: 01 Apr 200430 Apr 2004


ConferenceThe 28th Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference: Civic Values and Social Responsibility in a Global Context
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Lee, W. O. (2004, April). An intracultural study of citizenship: Nanjing, Taipei, Hong Kong and Singapore. Paper presented at the Pacific Circle Consortium 28th Annual Conference: Civic Values and Social Responsibility in a Global Context, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


  • Development of Disciplinary Knowledge (e.g. Sociology, Psychology)


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