An Internet-based intelligent learning environment for modeling the process of learning common fraction operations

Siu Cheung KONG, Lam For KWOK

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The study aims to model the process of learning common fraction operations with the use of graphical support, knowledge-based systems and machine learning. An Internet-based Fraction-learning Intelligent Learning Environment (IFILE) with the use of a Graphical Partitioning Model (GPM) to facilitate learners’ understanding on fraction concepts was developed. The IFILE provides two pedagogical and three intelligent features to optimize the interaction opportunity: electronic blank sheet for exploration, graphical support for improved understanding, next step support for helping learners from impasse situation, alternative solutions for reflection and proactive guidance for fostering the production of cognitive residue. The IFILE was built with the incorporation of a model of learner’s knowledge for developing learning properties, which includes constructiveness, cumulativeness, self-regulatedness and reflectiveness.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2002


Kong, S. C., Kwok, L. F. (2002, September). An Internet-based intelligent learning environment for modeling the process of learning common fraction operations. Paper presented at the IASTED International Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ACI 2002), Tokyo, Japan.


  • Common fraction
  • Intelligent learning environments
  • Knowledge-based systems
  • Machine learning
  • Proactive guidance


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