An international core outcome set for primary progressive aphasia (COS-PPA): Consensus-based recommendations for communication interventions across research and clinical settings

Anna Volkmer, Emily Viega Alves, Hagit Bar-Zeev, Elena Barbieri, Petronilla Battista, Ashleigh Beales, Barbara Costa Beber, Emilie Brotherhood, Ines Ribeiro Cadorio, Maria Teresa Carthery-Goulart, Jade Cartwright, Sebastian Crutch, Karen Croot, Maria Isabel d´Ávila Freitas, Jeanne Gallée, Stephanie M. Grasso, Katarina Haley, Heleen Hendriksen, Shalom Henderson, Lize JiskootIsabel Junqueira Almeida, Jackie Kindell, Rachel Kingma, Li Ying Lorinda KWAN-CHEN, Monica Lavoie, Adi Lifshitz-Ben-Basat, Regina Jokel, Aurore Mahut-Dubos, Jordi A. Matias-Guiu, Michèle Masson-Trottier, Marcus Meinzer, Ellen McGowan, Carolina Mendez-Orellana, Aaron M. Meyer, Carly Millanski, Núria Montagut, Aimee Mooney, Darby J. Morhardt, Lyndsey Nickels, Monica Norvik, Iris Edda Nowenstein, Avanthi Paplikar, Margaret Pozzebon, Antoine Renard, Leanne Ruggero, Emily Rogalski, Anna U. Rysop, Fredrik Sand Aronsson, Aida Suárez-González, Sharon Savage, Mai Tran Thi, Kyriana Tsapkini, Cathleen Taylor-Rubin, Donna C. Tippett, Nina Unger, Lizet van Ewijk, Sandra Wielaert, Ingvild Elisabeth Winsnes, Anne Whitworth, Ibrahim Can Yasa, David Copland, Maya L. Henry, Jason D. Warren, Rosemary Varley, Sarah J. Wallace, Chris J.D. Hardy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


INTRODUCTION: Interventions to treat speech-language difficulties in primary progressive aphasia (PPA) often use word accuracy as a highly comparable outcome. However, there are more constructs of importance to people with PPA that have received less attention. 

METHODS: Following Core Outcome Set Standards for Development Recommendations (COSSTAD), this study comprised: Stage 1 – systematic review to identify measures; Stage 2 – consensus groups to identify important outcome constructs for people with PPA (n = 82) and care partners (n = 91); Stage 3 – e-Delphi consensus with 57 researchers. 

RESULTS: The systematic review identified 84 Outcome Measurement Instruments. Core outcome constructs identified included: (1) Participate in conversations with family and friends, (2) get words out, (3) be more fluent, (4) convey a message by any means, and (5) understand what others are saying. Researchers were unable to reach a consensus on measurement instruments. 

DISCUSSION: Further work is required to develop appropriate measurement instruments that address all core outcome constructs important to key stakeholders. Copyright © 2024 The Author(s).

Original languageEnglish
JournalAlzheimer's & Dementia
Early online dateNov 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Nov 2024


Volkmer, A., Alves, E. V., Bar‐Zeev, H., Barbieri, E., Battista, P., Beales, A., Beber, B. C., Brotherhood, E., Cadorio, I. R., Carthery‐Goulart, M. T., Cartwright, J., Crutch, S., Croot, K., Freitas, M. I., Gallée, J., Grasso, S. M., Haley, K., Hendriksen, H., Henderson, S., . . . Hardy, C. J. (2024). An international core outcome set for primary progressive aphasia (COS-PPA): Consensus-based recommendations for communication interventions across research and clinical settings. Alzheimer's & Dementia. Advance online publication.


  • Core outcome set
  • Dementia
  • Interventions
  • Outcome measures
  • Primary progressive aphasia
  • Speech and language therapy


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