An intelligent social bookmarking system for searching quality web resources for e-learning

Tak Lam WONG, Siu Cheung KONG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This paper aims at developing an intelligent E-learning system incorporated with data mining technique, namely, Social SEarch for E-leaning (SE)^2, for supporting students to access quality Web resources. One characteristic of (SE)^2 is that it is designed based on social bookmarking, in which users can describe the Web resource using meaningful tags. Another characteristic of (SE)^2 is that data mining techniques are employed to automatically analysis the information of users, tags, and Web resources to recommend students Web resources that are potentially useful and relevant. Copyright © 2012 National University of Tainan.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGCCCE 2012 Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education: Conference proceedings
Place of PublicationTainan City
PublisherNational University of Tainan
Publication statusPublished - 2012


Wong, T.-L., & Kong, S. C. (2012). An intelligent social bookmarking system for searching quality web resources for e-learning. In GCCCE 2012 Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education: Conference proceedings (pp. 79-82). Tainan City: National University of Tainan.


  • Web resource
  • Collaborative learning
  • Social bookmarking
  • Data mining
  • Pedagogy


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