An exploratory study: The guidance role of teacher and gender of student

Ching Leung LUNG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Gender issues are some of the core concerns of policy, practice and provision in relation to education. There is a popular notion that boys are naughty while girls are good mannered in primary schools. In many studies, boys were found to engage in more rough-and tumble play and physical fighting than do girls (Thorne, 2002). It seems that it is more difficult for teachers to deal with boys than with girls. However, in the emerging literature, within girls, there are different types of emotional and behavioral problems, such as aggression, which is not unusual that teachers may face with. Research with empirical data on how teachers help girls with emotional and behavioral problems is spare. In order to understand more how teachers in training deal with the gender and the nature of students’ problem, this study investigates the responses of pre-service teachers in helping students in a guidance training programme, which is a part of a pre-service new B.Ed. module. The study aims to make some suggestions for effective preparation of the pre-service teachers to play their guidance role in Hong Kong primary schools. In an attempt to explore how pre-service teachers developed their capacity in helping students with different gender and nature of problems, two scenarios were used. Case 1 was a by in a helpless situation (with emotional difficulties) while case 2 was an angry girl with aggressive behavior (with emotional and behavioural difficulties). Qualitative research approach in form of case study was used. The sample, 16 student teachers with some seemed to be very aware of, others largely ignorant about the guidance role of teacher were selected for in-depth interviews to chart their development in the training programme. Their responses for handling of two different cases of pupils’ problems in the interview schedule were analyzed. The results of the study show that student teachers had developed their abilities in handling pupils’ problems in terms of attitude towards pupil, feeling for pupil and counseling strategies and skills. Nearly all of them had progress in each of these three areas in different contexts of pupils’ problems. However, they had greater progress in case 1 of the helpless boy than in case 2 of an aggressive girl. Implications for the guidance role of teacher and relationship between gender and nature of student problem in training will be discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventThe 2nd International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asian-Pacific Region: Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education - The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Duration: 22 Jun 200624 Jun 2006


ConferenceThe 2nd International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asian-Pacific Region: Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Lung, C.-L. (2006, June). An exploratory study: The guidance role of teacher and gender of student. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asian-Pacific Region: Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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