An experimental study of eduplay and social competence among preschool students in Hong Kong

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Parents in Hong Kong believe that play is harmful to children's studies and socio-emotional development. However, the term 'eduplay' was first introduced by Rao and Li, a form of play-based education with 'Chinese characteristics'. This term captures the beliefs of teachers and parents about how learning could happen through play and how it occurs in Chinese early childhood education settings. Nevertheless, the concept of 'playing to learn' is becoming more accepted by Chinese parents. In many Chinese schools today, eduplay activities are designed to enhance children's social competency. In the present study, a pre-post study was conducted to select 60 preschool students aged from three to five years. Thirty students were randomly assigned to the 'experimental group' to receive 10 eduplay sessions, whereas the remaining 30 students were assigned to the 'control group'. The Child Behaviour Checklist was distributed to the teachers before and after 10 eduplay sessions to assess the students' social competence. An analysis of covariance was used to assess whether the internalising problems reduced more significantly in the students in the experimental group than in the students in the control group. The results indicate that the students' social competence was significantly enhanced after 10 eduplay sessions. Suggestions were given to the school, teachers, and parents on how to apply eduplay in children's learning and classroom teaching. Copyright © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)535-548
JournalEarly Child Development and Care
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - May 2011


Leung, C.-h. (2011). An experimental study of eduplay and social competence among preschool students in Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, 181(4), 535-548.


  • Eduplay
  • Social competence
  • Preschool children


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