An assessment of hill fire impact in country parks with SPOT HRV images and GIS

T. FUNG, Chi Yung JIM

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques provide efficient tools for resource management. In this paper, these techniques are applied for resource management of country parks in Hong Kong. A spatial database is developed integrating SPOT HRV multispectral data, topographic data, hill fire records and thematic maps. Vegetation resources are mapped based on multidate SPOT and DEM data. Integrated with hill fire records, the impact of hill fire on vegetation resources is assessed. It is found that grass is the major vegetation burnt in country parks. Copyright © 1993 The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings, Environmental '93, Symposium on Remote Sensing in Environment Research and Global Change
EditorsMing FANG, A. LIU, T. FUNG, H. S. HONG, S. C. KOT, B. Y. LEE, R. LEUNG
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd
ISBN (Print)9620761421
Publication statusPublished - 1993


Fung, T., & Jim, C. Y. (1993). An assessment of hill fire impact in country parks with SPOT HRV images and GIS. In M. Fang, A. Liu, T. Fung, H. S. Hong, S. C. Kot, B. Y. Lee, & R. Leung (Eds.), Proceedings, Environmental '93, Symposium on Remote Sensing in Environment Research and Global Change (pp. 333-342). Hong Kong: The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd.


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