Alternative provision for students with SEBD in Australia and England

Paul William COOPER, Robert GRANDIN

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Non-mainstream forms of provision for school students presenting with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) are sometimes dismissed as being inferior to mainstream provision and are condemned as exclusionary. This paper reports on a study of non-mainstream provision for students with SEBD with the emphasis being placed on the perceptions of staff working in such setting in England and Australia. The findings indicate that participants in this study believed themselves to be engaged in work that, in placing social emotional engagement at the heart of curriculum, provided opportunities to students with SEBD that were often unavailable in mainstream settings. It is argued that theories and policies of Inclusive Education must move beyond mere curriculum ‘adaptation’ if they are to succeed for students encountering serious problems adjusting to school. Policy makers and ‘mainstream’ schools are encouraged to learn from ‘alternative’ forms of provision and work more closely with this sector. Copyright © 2014 Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)33-50
JournalCroatian Journal of Education
Issue numberSp.Ed.2
Publication statusPublished - 2014


Cooper, P., & Grandin, R. (2014). Alternative provision for students with SEBD in Australia and England. Croatian Journal of Education, 16(Sp.Ed.2), 33-50.


  • Alternative provision
  • Australia and England
  • Disengaged students
  • Social
  • Emotional and behavioural difficulties
  • Alt. title: Alternativni oblici skrbi za učenike sa socijalnim, emocionalnim i teškoćama u ponašanju u Australiji i Engleskoj


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