Adolescents’ educational expectation: Discrepancy and consistency with parental expectations

Esther Sui Chu HO, Pui Chi Chrysa KEUNG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This paper examines the difference between adolescents’ perception of parents’ educational expectations and their own, and the role of parental involvement in developing adolescents’ educational expectations. The sample was drawn from the fifth cycle of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012. About 3,000 Hong Kong 15 year-old students participated in the longitudinal study by completing the questionnaire. Using a logistic regression model, we investigated to what extent and how parental expectations and involvement were related to Hong Kong adolescents’ expectations for pursuing a university degree. The effects of individual characteristics (i.e., gender and cognitive ability) and family background (i.e., family structure and SES) were controlled in the model. Results indicated that perceived and actual parental expectations were important predictors shaping adolescents’ educational expectations even after the academic and socio-economic backgrounds of adolescents were taken into account. The model also suggested that less privileged adolescents might be able to overcome their socio-economic disadvantages in achieving high educational attainment if a parent was involved in helping them to make educational plans. The importance of family interventions – in particular, home-based communication between parents and adolescents – is discussed in this paper. Copyright © 2014 INET.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2014
EventThe 17th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships (INET 2014) - Philadelphia, United States
Duration: 03 Apr 201403 Apr 2014


ConferenceThe 17th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships (INET 2014)
Abbreviated titleINET 2014
Country/TerritoryUnited States


Ho, E. S. C., & Keung, C. P. C. (2014, April). Adolescents’ educational expectation: Discrepancy and consistency with parental expectations. Paper presented at The 17th International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships (INET 2014), Philadelphia, USA.


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