Administrators' perceptions of early childhood teacher training in Hong Kong: An exploratory study

Yuk Ching Eva LAI, Kwok Sai Tricia CHEUK-WONG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


In Hong Kong, early childhood education and related teacher training have been neglected for a long time. Due to teachers’ work for the recognition of early childhood education and teacher training, the British-Hong Kong government gradually put more emphasis on early childhood education and its teacher training. After the handover, for the citizens to cope with the changing economic system from a manufacturing based to a knowledge based society, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has further conducted a series of education reform, as well as recognizing early childhood education as the foundation of young children’s life long learning. Therefore, training professional and quality early childhood teachers has become very important. The aims of this study were to understand the perceptions of early childhood administrators on teacher training, their training work, and the difficulties they encountered in teacher training. One principal from a kindergarten and one supervisor from a childcare centre were interviewed. The findings indicated that the training did not pose additional pressure on early childhood administrators and their teaching staff. The findings also showed that the government’s policy had strengthened the profession’s confidence on teacher training and had attached greater importance to early childhood education.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventAustralian Association for Research in Education Conference (AARE) 2006 - Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 26 Nov 200630 Nov 2006


ConferenceAustralian Association for Research in Education Conference (AARE) 2006
Abbreviated titleAARE 2006


Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (2006, November). Administrators' perceptions of early childhood teacher training in Hong Kong: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE 2006) Conference, Adelaide, Australia.


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