Accuracy of flash glucose monitoring during postprandial rest and different walking conditions in overweight or obese young adults

Xiaoyuan ZHANG, Fenghua SUN, Waris WONGPIPIT, Wendy Y. J. HUANG, Stephen H. S. WONG

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Aims: To investigate the accuracy of FreeStyle LibreTM flash glucose monitoring (FGM) relevant to plasma glucose (PG) measurements during postprandial rest and different walking conditions in overweight/obese young adults. Methods: Data of 40 overweight/obese participants from two randomized crossover studies were pooled into four trials: (1) sitting (SIT, n = 40); (2) walking continuously for 30 min initiated 20 min before individual postprandial glucose peak (PPGP) (20iP + CONT, n = 40); (3) walking continuously for 30 min initiated at PPGP (iP + CONT, n = 20); and (4) accumulated walking for 30 min initiated 20 min before PPGP (20iP + ACCU, n = 20). Paired FGM and PG were measured 4 h following breakfast. Results: The overall mean absolute relative difference (MARD) between PG and FGM readings was 16.4 ± 8.6% for SIT, 16.2 ± 4.7% for 20iP + CONT, 16.7 ± 12.2% for iP + CONT, and 19.1 ± 6.8% for 20iP + ACCU. The Bland–Altman analysis showed a bias of −1.03 mmol⋅L–1 in SIT, −0.89 mmol⋅L–1 in 20iP + CONT, −0.82 mmol⋅L–1 in iP + CONT, and −1.23 mmol⋅L–1 in 20iP + ACCU. The Clarke error grid analysis showed that 99.6–100% of the values in all trials fell within zones A and B. Conclusion: Although FGM readings underestimated PG, the FGM accuracy was overall clinically acceptable during postprandial rest and walking in overweight/obese young adults. Copyright © 2021 Zhang, Sun, Wongpipit, Huang and Wong.

Original languageEnglish
Article number732751
JournalFrontiers in Physiology
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


Zhang, X., Sun, F., Wongpipit, W., Huang, W. Y. J., & Wong, S. H. S. (2021). Accuracy of flash glucose monitoring during postprandial rest and different walking conditions in overweight or obese young adults. Frontiers in Physiology, 12. Retrieved from


  • Obesity
  • Sensor accuracy
  • Exercise
  • Postprandial glycemia
  • Continuous glucose monitoring


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