A whole-of-nation approach to COVID-19: Taiwan's National Epidemic Prevention Team

Chih-Wei HSIEH, Mao WANG, Natalie WM WONG, Ka Ki Lawrence HO

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35 Citations (Scopus)


This article analyzes Taiwan's National Epidemic Prevention Team, a collective synergy between government and society in fighting COVID-19. We draw on a model of collaborative governance to dissect the collaboration between National Epidemic Prevention Team members; that is, central government, local governments, private enterprises and citizens. We argue that the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak, democratic deepening and continual diplomatic isolation despite the global health crisis contributed to Taiwan's National Epidemic Prevention Team capacity and cohesiveness. Our analysis contributes to the heated discourse on democratic resilience in these turbulent times, suggesting that outbreak control can succeed only if there is an integrated system of interdepartmental, central–local, intersectoral and citizen–state collaboration. Overall, this article shows how liberal democracies can control and counteract COVID-19 without resorting to authoritarian methods of containment. Copyright © 2021 The Author(s).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)300-315
JournalInternational Political Science Review
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021


Hsieh, C.-W., Wang, M., Wong, N. W. M., & Ho, L. K.-K. (2021). A whole-of-nation approach to COVID-19: Taiwan's National Epidemic Prevention Team. International Political Science Review, 42(3), 300-315. doi: 10.1177/01925121211012291


  • Collaborative governance
  • Democratic resilience
  • Epidemic control
  • Whole-of-government approach
  • Whole-of-society approach
  • COVID-19


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