A study on the use of the Hong Kong Museum of Art by the kindergarten, primary and secondary school art teachers of Hong Kong

Kam Hing Anastasia SO

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The Curriculum Development Council of the Education Department of Hong Kong takes the role to prepare official curriculum for the schools in Hong Kong. On the part of art education, it seldom mentions the impact of Museum visits on the study of art. Since the official art curriculum is a guide for Art teachers in Hong Kong to prepare their taught curriculum, they often overlook art museum as a supportive resources center for the teaching of art. In 1985 the NAEA published the goals for quality art education, which are among the basic skills addressed in virtually all art museum program planning. Art museums serve as resources for teachers in the schools, the setting of art museum provided a sound physical resource, whereas the docent service, lectures and seminars, and workshops on different themes are very effective human resources in the teaching of art. Referring to local situation, the Hong Kong Museum of Art plays similar role in the field of art education in Hong Kong. The education section of the museum conducts talks, seminars, and workshops on different themes. Docent service is also provided. The museum serves both as sites for field trips and extension services. But it is scarcely considered as a teaching resources / support for the art teachers in Hong Kong. The idea of this paper is to study the use of the Hong Kong Museum of Arts by Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary school art teachers of Hong Kong. First, it provides a background on the art education in Hong Kong. Second, it describes the research findings of the use of the Hong Kong Museum of Arts by the kindergarten, primary and secondary school art teachers of Hong Kong. Third, collected data is interpreted and discussed. Finally, recommendation is made for the improvement of art education in Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1999


So, K. H. A. (1999, November). A study on the use of the Hong Kong Museum of Art by the kindergarten, primary and secondary school art teachers of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 16th Annual Conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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