A study of the relationships among Chinese multicharacter words, subtypes of readers, and instructional methods

Fuk Chuen HO, Linda S. SIEGEL

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5 Citations (Scopus)


This article reports the results of two studies examining the effectiveness of the whole-word and analytic instructional methods in teaching different subtypes of readers (students with normal reading performance, surface dyslexics, phonological dyslexics, and both dyslexic patterns) and four kinds of Chinese two-character words (two regular [RR], two irregular [II], one regular, one irregular [RI], and one irregular, one regular [IR]). The approaches employed were the analytic method, which focuses on highlighting the phonological components of words, and the whole-word method, which focuses on learning by sight. Two studies were conducted among a sample of 40 primary school students with different reading patterns. The aim was to examine the relationships among different subtypes of readers, two-character words, and instructional methods. In general, students with a surface dyslexic pattern benefited more from the analytic methods. Regarding combinations of different kinds of two-character words, all subtypes of students performed better in reading RR words than in reading II words. Copyright © 2014 Hammill Institute on Disabilities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-110
JournalJournal of Learning Disabilities
Issue number1
Early online dateApr 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2016


Ho, F.-c., & Siegel, L. S. (2016). A study of the relationships among Chinese multicharacter words, subtypes of readers, and instructional methods. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(1), 97-110.


  • Intervention
  • Reading
  • Cross-language aspects
  • Dyslexia


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