A proposal for staff development program in the realm of 'stay fit & health enhancement'

King Yuk Anita WONG-TSUI

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Health promotion is defined by some experts (Anspaugh et al. 1991) as any combinations of activities either educational, organizational, economic and environmental that are conducive to good health. Various behavioral theories have been studied as they relate to health, ideas and concepts, such as self-efficacy & locus of control. Self-efficacy refers to the individual's expectations that he/she can cope with an impending situation or perform a specific task. The beliefs in self-efficacy is learned through personal experience and modeling from others. It is viewed that the stronger the self-efficacy beliefs and the firmer commitment are engaged in the intended behavior. The health behavior theories aim at behavioral change and make an intention to change one's behavior or help to maintain a specific health behavior (Schwarzer, 1992). According to Theory of Reasoned Action, the proximate determinants of the intent to adopt a given behavior are the individual's personal attitude toward performing the behavior and the influence of social factors. Protection Motivation Theory seems to be superior to the Theory of Planned Behavior because it explicitly includes self-efficacy as the most powerful single determinant of intention. Based on the above theoretical perspectives, a 'Stay Fit & Health Enhancement Program' is introduced for hundreds of staff in any institutions. A combination of health education, health assessment, fitness-promoting exercise designed to facilitate the staff behavioral changes conducive to health. Specific targets of the objectives of the program are set out. There are four components of the program, including regularly exercise, adequate nutrition, weight control and stress management. Staff should initially complete a health assessment questionnaire to explore their awareness on health lifestyle and health education. A health-related fitness testing is introduced in order to evaluate staff current fitness status. The program is sub-divided into three levels: awareness, lifestyle change and environmental restructuring. The practical issues within the three levels will be introduced. The optimal design of a health promotion program will be determined by the specific needs of the institutions and its staff. It is significant that effective institute management, program management and effective interventions are important elements for successful program, though the ultimate issue depends on individual responsibility involving participation. Throughout the introducing of the program, it is beneficial for all staff to have a healthy life and fruitful career development.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1997
EventHong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 14th Annual Conference: Compulsory Education and Beyond = 香港教育研究學會第十四屆研討會 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Duration: 15 Nov 199716 Nov 1997


ConferenceHong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 14th Annual Conference: Compulsory Education and Beyond = 香港教育研究學會第十四屆研討會
CityHong Kong


Tsui, K. Y. A. (1997, November). A proposal for staff development program in the realm of 'stay fit & health enhancement'. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 14th Annual Conference: Compulsory Education and Beyond, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.


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