A pilot-test of experiential learning strategies on teaching team ball games for student teachers in Hong Kong

Wai Keung Kevin KAM, Chung LI, Alberto CRUZ

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This paper describes the use of experiential learning approach on teaching ball games for cultivating the learning-to-learn skills highlighted in the current education reform. The module “Physical Activities for Primary Team Ball Games” of a B.Ed programme will be identified as a pilot study for the exploration, implementation and evaluation of the approach. The effectiveness of the implementation of the approach in the module was evaluated in terms of case study and content analysis. The qualitative analysis with its roots in ethnographical interviewing was introduced before and after the module teaching. Semi-structure interviews with nine selected participants of the module were introduced as the preand-post test of the study. Qualitative data on planning, implementation, and evaluation of the modules teaching and learning was collected in the form of written documents, video tapes, observation records, interview transcriptions, and selected participants’ portfolios. Data and process were documented in electronic means and analyzed with the phenomenological method, with the emphasis on the participants’ constructive discussion, critical inflow among participants, lecturers and professions of the industries. The research highlights the differences of student’s experience and perception to traditional skill-based approach in teaching ball games. The findings indicate the strength of experiential learning approach in cultivating the learning-to-learn skills. It provides data that illustrates the potential effects of experiential learning approach on teaching team ball games. Further research is needed to fully demonstrate the effects of such efforts and to identify how to best tailor the experience to the needs of student in developing their generic skills through learning team ball games.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event2008 AIESEP World Congress : Sport pedagogy research, policy and practice: International perspectives in physical education and sports coaching - University of Tsukuba, Sapporo, Japan
Duration: 21 Jan 200824 Jan 2008


Conference2008 AIESEP World Congress : Sport pedagogy research, policy and practice: International perspectives in physical education and sports coaching
Abbreviated titleAIESEP 2008


Kam, K., Li, C., & Cruz, A. (2008, January). A pilot-test of experiential learning strategies on teaching team ball games for student teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d'Education Physique World Congress 2008 (AIESEP 2008): North meets south: East meets west, University of Tsukuba, Sapporo, Japan.


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