A pedagogical design of IT-supported inquiry learning in general studies

Wing Mui Winnie SO, Siu Cheung KONG, Wai Chi LEUNG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This article mainly addresses the Hong Kong new Information Technology in Education policy to have further integration of information technology into the learning and teaching process, particularly on the design of IT-supported inquiry learning in the primary General Studies. The article focuses on the collaborative effort of the teacher educators from the Institute of Education and the curriculum developers of the Hong Kong Education City in the design of a web-based learning unit on “Earth Movement” to support pupils’ inquiry learning of science. The article discusses the different modes of inquiry learning with the web-based learning unit in primary General Studies. Copyright © 2005 Brigham Young University.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 9th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education
Place of PublicationLaie, HI
PublisherBrigham Young University
Publication statusPublished - 2005


So, W.-M. W., Kong, S.-C. & Leung, W.-C. T. (2005). A pedagogical design of IT-supported inquiry learning in general studies. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 250-257). Laie, HI: Brigham Young University.


  • General studies
  • IT-supported inquiry learning
  • Earth movement


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