A historical perspective on the OECD's 'humanitarian turn': PISA for Development and the Learning Framework 2030

Xiaomin LI, Euan Douglas AULD

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53 Citations (Scopus)


This paper identifies OECD's shifting agendas and approaches to education since inception and distinguishes three time periods. Each of these periods reflects shifting geopolitical and economic realities that shaped OECD's priorities and modes of operation. They also demonstrate the adaptive capacity and expansionist nature of OECD's education work as it successfully innovates, finds market niches and adds new dimensions to its datasets. These have culminated in its recent strategic initiatives, namely: PISA for Development and the Learning Framework 2030. The former aims to adapt PISA to fit into low- and middle-income countries and serve as the global learning metric; and the latter aims to incorporate non-cognitive competencies into its main tests. Together they are designed to expand and consolidate the Organisation's influence in the context of the SDGs. By adopting a historical perspective, we provide a critical understanding of OECD's shifting role in global education governance and its 'humanitarian turn'.

本文辨析了經合組織自成立以來教育議程和運作方式的演變,將之劃分為三個主要時期。每個時期都反映了不斷變化的地緣政治和經濟現實,這些因素塑造了經合組織的主要議程和運作方式;同時,經合組織在這些時期中也成功地進行了創新,填補了市場空缺,並為其教育資料集拓展了新的維度,這顯示出經合組織的適應能力和在教育領域工作的擴張主義性質。這些特性在經合組織近期開展的兩項戰略舉措中表現的尤為明顯:“PISA 促進發展”和“2030 年學習框架”。前者旨在使 PISA 適用於低收入和中等收入國家,進而成為全球範圍內的學習評估測試標準;後者旨在將非認知能力納入其主要能力測試框架當中。兩者協同作用,目標是使經合組織在全球可持續發展目標的背景下,進一步拓展和鞏固其影響力。本文通過歷史的分析視角,為理解經合組織在全球教育治理中的角色轉變及其“人道主義轉向”提供一種批判性見解。 Copyright © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)503-521
JournalComparative Education
Issue number4
Early online dateJun 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020


Li, X., & Auld, E. (2020). A historical perspective on the OECD's 'humanitarian turn': PISA for Development and the Learning Framework 2030. Comparative Education, 56(4), 503-521. doi: 10.1080/03050068.2020.1781397


  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • OECD post-2015 education agenda
  • Humanitarian assessment
  • 'humanitarian turn'
  • Global education governance
  • Alt. title: 經合組織“人道主義轉向” 的歷史透視:“PISA 促進發展”與“2030 年學習框架”
  • 可持續發展目標
  • 經合組織後 2015 年教育議程
  • 人道主義評估測試
  • “人道主義轉向”
  • 全球教育治理


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