A framework and self‑assessment tool for building the capacity of higher education institutions for blended learning

Cher Ping LIM, Tianchong WANG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Higher education institutions (HEIs) have adopted a blended learning approach to enhance the quality of learning and teaching in their institutions. Although the impacts of blended learning on student learning engagement and outcomes at the classroom and course level have been well documented, its implementation faces sustainability and scalability challenges. This chapter presents a framework and self-assessment tool for building the capacity of HEIs to drive, sustain and scale up their blended learning practices. The framework includes eight strategic dimensions: vision and philosophy; curriculum; professional development; learning support; infrastructure, facilities, resources and support; policy and institutional structure; partnerships; and research and evaluation. Based on these dimensions, the self-assessment tool can be adopted to support HEIs in their reflection of the necessary and sufficient conditions to sustain and scale up blended learning practices in and across programmes and courses within the institution. Copyright © 2016 UNESCO.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBlended learning for quality higher education: Selected case studies on implementation from Asia-Pacific
EditorsCher Ping LIM, Libing WANG
Place of PublicationBangkok
PublisherUNESCO Bangkok Office
ISBN (Print)9789292235642, 9789292235659
Publication statusPublished - 2016


Lim, C. P., & Wang, T. (2016). A framework and self‑assessment tool for building the capacity of higher education institutions for blended learning. In C. P. Lim, & L. Wang (Eds.), Blended learning for quality higher education: Selected case studies on implementation from Asia-Pacific (pp. 1-38). Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok Office.


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