A cultural analysis of cram schools in Hong Kong: Impact on youth values and implications

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In the face of heavy demand for private supplementary tutoring in basic education, the state seems to have adopted a consumerism model in the decentralised governance of mass tutoring, allowing students and parents to select for themselves course information, payment amounts and methods, tutoring dates and times, and physical conditions when buying services from registered cram schools in Hong Kong. In the study reported here, a 3-level cultural analysis of cram schools was conducted from 1998 to 2008 to examine the patterns of mass tuition trends in Hong Kong. The analysis investigated the impacts of such trends, or culture, upon youth values, and implications are drawn for policy making, educational reform, societal movements, and academic recommendations for further research.
面對課餘補習的極大需求,香港特區政府似乎採納以消費主義為本的分權管理模式,讓有需要的學生及家長自行考慮課程內容、收取的費用及收費方法、學習環境、補習日期及時間等條件,去選擇合宜的註冊補習社。通過三個層次的文化分析,本文旨在剖析補習社文化或風氣於1998年至2008年期間對青少年價值觀的影響,從而在管理政策、教育改革、社會運動及學術研究等多層面上提出建議。 Copyright © 2009 HKFYG.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)104-114
JournalJournal of Youth Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2009


Kwok, P. (2009). A cultural analysis of cram schools in Hong Kong: Impact on youth values and implications. Journal of Youth Studies, 12(1), 104-114.


  • Cram schools
  • Cultural analysis
  • Tuition trends
  • Youth values
  • 補習風氣
  • 補習社
  • 文化分析
  • 青少年價值觀
  • Alt. title: 香港補習社之文化分析:對青少年價值觀的影響及建議


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