A critical dialogue on technology-enhanced Interest-Driven Creation (IDC)

Tak-Wai CHAN, Lung-Hsiang WONG, Gautam BISWAS, Maiga CHANG, H. Ulrich HOPPE, Chen-Chung LIU, Jon MASON, Chee-Kit LOOI, Wenli CHEN, Longkai WU

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


To prepare the young generation for the era of industry 4.0, a group of Asian researchers embark on the Interest-Driven Creator (IDC) Initiative to co-construct a learning design theory that offers crucial design principles, with the support of technology, for 21st century educational reform. The IDC theory views learning as a process of creation driven by interest. As a design theory, IDC suggests how to nurture our young generation as lifelong creators by engaging them to create with interest habitually. In this panel, a group of non-IDC Initiative members will share their insights and critiques on the IDC theory with respect to their research experiences, thus eliciting a dialogue among the ICCE participants on how to nurture lifelong IDC. We hope this panel will help inform the community on how to transform the teacher-centered knowledge acquisition approaches into an interest-driven creation practice. Copyright © 2016 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of The 24th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2016)
EditorsWeiqin CHEN, Jie-Chi YANG, Sahana MURTHY, Su Luan WONG, Sridhar IYER
Place of PublicationTaiwan
PublisherAsia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
ISBN (Electronic)9789868473577
Publication statusPublished - 2016


Chan, T.-W., Wong, L.-H., Biswas, G., Chang, M., Hoppe, H. U., Liu, C.-C., . . . Wu, L. (2016). A critical dialogue on technology-enhanced Interest-Driven Creation (IDC). In W. Chen, J.-C. Yang, S. Murthy, S. L. Wong, & S. Iyer (Eds.), Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2016) (pp. i40-i42). Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.


  • Interest-Driven Creator (IDC) theory
  • Interest
  • Creation
  • Habits
  • Theory building


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