

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Hong Kong was not an ordinary colony. The British acquired Hong Kong not for the purpose of economic exploitation, but for its geographic proximity to the Chinese mainland. The political landscape of colonial Hong Kong was not that of a country-to-country occupation, but represented a multi-faceted relationship between Britain and China. This article examines the interplay between Hong Kong's colonial governance and the development of teacher education in three stages: (a) the very beginning, from the Central School to 1945; (b) from just after the Second World War until the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984; (c) the transitional period leading to the massive expansion of tertiary education during the 1990s. Teacher education developed in a political and social context in which both British and Chinese factors were intertwined, and in which policies were really only reactive strategies to the social changes taking place in China. Thus, for quite a long time, very little attention has been paid to teacher education, even though it contributes to the stability of the government. Teacher education is still a missing agenda in Hong Kong. Copyright © 2014 香港中文大學香港教育研究所.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)51-72
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2014




  • 教師教育
  • 殖民管治
  • 香港教育史
  • Teacher education
  • Colonialism
  • History of education in Hong Kong
  • Alt. title: Colonialism and the development of teacher education in Hong Kong