
趙永佳, 王世茹

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本文會從三方面探討全球政經脈絡下的香港青年狀況。 第一,全球高等教育「擴招」之下,大量青年人晉升至專上教育系統。 這令到他們的生命歷程起了很大變化,如推遲了就業、婚姻與生育等成長階段,亦改變了他們對生涯規劃的期望與要求。 第二,隨着經濟全球化與結構轉型,再加上高等教育膨脹,大量擁有大專學歷的青年人進入勞動市場,造成資歷通脹情況而回報下降,青年人在勞動市場處境因此有惡化趨勢。第三,青年社會政治參與在世界各地都有升溫趨勢,反全球化與反專制成了青年運動的標的。 中港矛盾與內部政治結構制約,促成了香港本土反專制的民主運動,但也衍生了民粹式的「港獨」思潮,形成了本港青年社會政治參與的獨特風景。
This paper discusses the situations facing the Hong Kong youth under a global context from three angles. First, the global expansion of higher education resulted in many Hong Kong youths being “promoted” to the higher education system. Such change consequently generated numerous alterations in their life cycles, including prolonged adolescence, delay in employment, marriage, and birth, and revised expectations on career and life development. Second, against the milieus of economic globalization, structural transformations, and expansion of higher education, a large number of degree-holding youths entered the labor market, causing credential inflation, reduction in the return to education, and deterioration in the employment terms for young people. Third, in the context of recent “global uprisings,” anti-globalization and anti-authoritarianism have become the hallmarks of youth movements worldwide. The unique Mainland–Hong Kong contradictions and internal political constraints have given rise to the localist anti-authoritarian movement seeking democracy in Hong Kong and produced a populist pro-independence movement. Copyright © 2018 The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK).
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)3-25
Publication statusPublished - 2017




  • 生涯規劃
  • 青年社會運動
  • 香港青年
  • 教育
  • Career and life planning education
  • Education
  • Youth in Hong Kong
  • Youth social movement
  • Alt. title: Youth in Hong Kong: Education, career, and politics in global context