
鍾明倫, 李子建, 秦偉燊, 江浩民

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Since the 1990s, because the sovereignty of Hong Kong has returned to China in 1997, the education authorities have promoted a series of curriculum reforms. One of the most particular attention was "values education". The primary purpose of this article is to reexamine the development of values education in Hong Kong based upon the context of curriculum reform. First of all, this article will shed light on the development of value education in Hong Kong on the basis of the analysis of curriculum documents, and also discuss the position and role of values education in curriculum reform. Secondly, this article will examine how the new curriculum reform will revise the concept and implementation direction of the values education, and discuss the transformation of values education. Finally, aligning with the reviews of values education, the reflection of the Hong Kong values education will focus on four aspects, including “the idea of curriculum design", "teaching practice", "learning feedback" and "reflection and criticism”. Copyright © 2018 香港教師中心.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)19-35
Publication statusPublished - 2018




  • 香港課程改革
  • 價值教育
  • 德育
  • 公民教育
  • Curriculum reform in Hong Kong
  • Values education
  • Moral education
  • Civic education
  • Alt. title: Values education in curriculum reform of Hong Kong: Retrospect and prospect