
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


香港粵語的懶音 (Lazy Syllables) 泛指現時因為說話快速或省力等原因,簡化、誤讀某些聲韻,以致偏離該音節標準的現象。研究發現,懶音現象普遍存在於香港粵語使用者當中,其類別分析不均,帶ng 音素的音節最容易被讀成懶音,其他類別的分佈差異較大。同一個人並非全部類別都讀懶音,同一類別中也並非所有的例詞都讀懶音。顯示香港粵語懶音處於發展變化之中,懶音之間尚未形成系統性對應關係,語言使用者也沒有意識到這種可能存在的內在聯繫。
Lazy Syllables, due to speedy articulation and effort-saving, occurs in daily conversations in Hong Kong Cantonese context. It refers to the simplification or mispronunciation of initials and finals in spoken language, which is deviated in standardized pronunciation. From the result, we found Lazy Syllables exists, and the classification is uneven. Among them the ‘ng’ type is mispronounced in highest degree, and other types of distributional differentiations are obvious. The study also found that individual subject was not mispronounced in all kind of Lazy Syllables, and the examples in the same kind of Lazy Syllables are not mispronounced altogether. This shows that the situation of Lazy Syllables is still developing and changing, the relationship of different Lazy Syllables is not corresponding in an inter-related way, and it also suggests that the users of Cantonese are not conscious to the possibility of inner relationship of Lazy Syllables. Copyright © 2019 商務印書館(香港)有限公司.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication中國語文教學新探
Editors 施仲謀, 何志恆
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789620705601
Publication statusPublished - May 2019




  • 粵語
  • 懶音
  • 音變
  • 演化
  • Cantonese
  • Lazy Syllables
  • Sound changes
  • Evolution
  • Alt. title: The distribution of Lazy Syllables of Cantonese in Hong Kong