香港新高中數學科校本評核:英國 GCSE 學科作業及澳洲昆士蘭州校本評核的啟示

張家麟, 林智中, 黃毅英, 何上沛

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


實行校本評核是香港新高中學制改革的重要一環。雖然數學科校本評核的時間表至今還未落實,但已有不少本地研究結果顯示,數學科教師對校本評核的擬題及建議評核模式甚感徬徨和憂慮,亦懷疑其成效及公平性。在推行數學校本評核方面,英國和澳洲均有豐富經驗。香港建議的評估模式與英國曾使用的方式相近,而澳洲昆士蘭州的校本評核則建基於校本課程的推行,甚具特色。本文將透過分析英國 GCSE 數學科的學科作業和澳洲昆士蘭州校本評核的經驗得失,探討香港數學科校本評核未來的發展方向,以期為有關當局構想的校本評核模式提供改進建議。
The implementation of school-based assessment (SBA) is an important component of the new senior secondary (NSS) education reform. Although there is yet to be a timeframe for the implementation of Mathematics SBA, a number of studies have revealed that Mathematics teachers are anxious about the setting and the suggested assessment of SBA questions. Some of them even challenge its effectiveness and fairness. England and Australia are experienced in implementing Mathematics SBA. The assessment model proposed in Hong Kong is similar to the one implemented in England, and the feature of SBA in Queensland is unique as it is based on its school-based curriculum in implementation. With reference to the experience of GCSE coursework in England and SBA in Queensland, this article attempts to provide insights and recommendations on how the Mathematics SBA of Hong Kong might be implemented in the near future. Copyright © 2012 香港中文大學.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)95-115
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2011


張家麟、林智中、黃毅英和何上沛(2011):香港新高中數學科校本評核:英國 GCSE 學科作業及澳洲昆士蘭州校本評核的啟示,《教育學報》,39(1-2),頁95-115。


  • 數學評核
  • 數學教育
  • 新高中
  • 校本評核
  • 香港教育改革
  • Mathematics assessment
  • Mathematics education
  • New senior secondary
  • School-based assessment
  • Hong Kong education reform
  • Alt. title: Hong Kong new senior secondary mathematics school-based assessment: Inspirations from GCSE coursework of England and school-based assessment of Queensland