
賴柏生, 胡少偉

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


香港新高中課程改革的「通識教育科」,注重「專題研習」的學習。由於有別於本土的傳統教學,「專題研 習」可供老師參考的課程實施經驗不多,尤其學生對自主學習的體會。本文嘗試從學習者的角度,透視「專 題研習」在實際的學校環境中,出現怎麼樣的「通識教育科」教學和學習的特點。透過分析小組同學的訪談 內容,我們發現學生能夠了解和適應「專題研習」的學習要求及肯定其中的學習經歷和價值,他們同時深感 憂慮新的學習,嚴重受考試導向的教育現實所牽引。
Liberal Studies has given a due weight to project learning in Hong Kong's New Senior Secondary curriculum reform. Different from mainstream teaching in the past, teachers have little practical experience on project learning in their curriculum implementation, particularly on students' independent learning. This paper is an attempt which examines for characteristics of project learning in Liberal Studies in the local school context from students' perspectives. An analysis on the focused group interview with students has found that they can grasp the main points and cope with the new learning needs of project learning. While they recognize the values of this new learning mode, they are deeply worried that the examination-driven educational reality has greatly affected their study through project learning. Copyright © 2008 Hong Kong Teachers' Centre.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)151-160
Publication statusPublished - 2008




  • 通識教育
  • 專題研習
  • 課程革新
  • 建構主義
  • Liberal studies
  • Project learning
  • Curriculum innovation
  • Constructivism
  • Alt. title: Project learning in the eyes of students: What do they learn-an analysis on an interview of Form 6 Liberal studies students