
陳健生, 林智中

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Since 2009, the senior secondary school curriculum in Hong Kong has undergone a large scale of change. Instead of taking two public examinations, all students will receive free six-year secondary school education and sit the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination at their exit point. With such a change, the Hong Kong senior secondary school curriculum faces its greatest challenge that has ever met. In terms of curriculum orientations, the new secondary school curriculum espouses compulsory education instead of elitist education. In terms of teaching and learning, the new secondary school curriculum needs to adopt various teaching methods in order to solve the problems of individual differences. With this challenge, it is interesting to explore how school policy makers perceive the new senior secondary school curriculum, as well as the decisions they make on the planning and construction of their new school curriculum. This paper aims to explore the perspectives and decision making of the school policy makers on the new secondary school curriculum. It focuses on three questions: (1) What are the perspectives of the school policy makers on the new secondary school curriculum? (2) What are the decision making of the school policy makers in constructing the new school curriculum in their own school contexts? (3) What are the factors affecting school policy makers' decisions? Copyright © 2012 高等教育文化事業有限公司.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)65-85
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012




  • 課程改革
  • 課程觀點與決定
  • 學校政策制定者
  • Curriculum reform
  • Curriculum perspectives and decision making
  • School policy makers
  • Alt. title: The new senior secondary school curriculum reform in Hong Kong: School policy makers' perspectives and decision making