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馮勝利(2015)就聲調、語調和語氣詞之間的關係進行了論證,提出“句末語氣詞是語調變體”這一假說,簡稱I-P假說(Intonation-Particle Hypothesis)。近來,該假說中的“有聲調的語言都有句末語氣詞”這一推演結果引發學界爭鳴。基於此,文章以22種中國境內的阿爾泰語言為研究對象(均無聲調),逐一考察了其重音模式與句末語氣詞的情況,並就該22種語言的重音模式與句末語氣詞之間的關係進行了論證。我們的研究一方面為I-P假說中的“聲調”內涵做了更深入地闡釋與說明;另一方面,也為I-P假說提供了新證據。不僅如此,藏語視角的相關例證也為I-P假說提供了除阿爾泰語言之外的其他證據,並與阿錯(2013)所提出的“藏-阿爾泰語法流”(Tibet-Altaic grammatical drift)的說法完全吻合。同時,從類型學角度,也驗證了Hyman(2001)的說法。
S. L. Feng(2015) demonstrated the relationship among tone, intonation and sentence final particle(SFP), and put forward a hypothesis that "the SFP is the variant of intonation", which is referred to as the Intonation-Particle Hypothesis(I-P Hypothesis). Recently, one of the deductions of "the tone of the language has the SFP" from the hypothesis triggered the academic debate. Based on this, this paper takes 22 kinds of Altaic languages in China as research objects which are all non-tonal, and examines their accent patterns and SFPs. We will investigate the relationship between accent patterns and SFPs in the 22 languages. On the one hand, this study provides a more in-depth explanation of the tones under the I-P hypothesis. On the other hand, it also provides new evidence for the I-P hypothesis. Moreover, the relevant examples of the Tibetan languages also provide the evidence for I-P hypothesis other than the Altaic languages, and this completely matches with the Tibet-Altaic grammatical drift proposed by A. Tshogs(2013). At the same time, from the perspective of typology, Hyman(2001) is also verified by the theory of I-P Hypothesis. Copyright © 2020 華中科技大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)119-126
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020




  • 聲調
  • 語調
  • 句末語氣詞
  • 阿爾泰語系
  • 音高重音
  • 力度重音
  • 藏-阿爾泰語法流
  • Tone
  • Intonation
  • SFP
  • Altaic languages
  • Pitch accent
  • Dynamic accent
  • Tibet-Altaic grammatical drift
  • Alt. title: The tone and SFP of Altaic languages and their correlation research