
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Mr. Qian Mu was one of the most famous and greatest 20th-century masters of Chinese national culture in the Chinese academic circles. His dozens of academic works, including Introduction to Chinese National Culture, A Chronology of the Life of the Scholars Living in the Pre-Qin Days,An Outline of the History of China, and Academic History of Past 300 years in China are famous and very popular both at home and abroad. Mr. Qian’s approaches in academic pursuit are characterized by expansion, concentration, and concern about socity Expansion refers to constant expansion of the scope of his academic research, concentration means his intensive studies of various original document and materials, and concern about society to his great concern about state affairs while reading and writing. His academic thinking came under the influence of the tradition of Chinese culture and his academic life was blended with the tradition of Chinese culture. Copyright © 2000 山東大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)22-26
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2000




  • 錢穆
  • 治學方法
  • 擴散性
  • 內聚性
  • 時代性
  • Alt. title: The three characteristics in Mr. Qian Mu’s approaches in academic pursuit