通過LTTL(Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn)教學法培養雙語兒童思維能力之教材與教法


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許多研究顯示幼兒階段不僅是習得語言的關鍵時期,也是爲思維能力發展打好基礎的重要階段,因此幼兒教育倍受重視。但幼兒教育的教學法及實證研究仍處於起步階段,如何對十歲以前的兒童進行有系統且有效的思維教學及引導,成爲一個重要且有待發展的課題。本研究希望能探討選擇何種策略進行教學能提升兒童的思維能力,因此設計了結合思維導圖和提問策略等的LTTL教學法(Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn),發展出校本教材,所採取的研究方法是通過校本研究及課堂實踐提升中英雙語兒童的思維能力。LTTL教學法教學法包括輸入、應用、共同思考、輸出、反饋、獨立思考等六個教學環節,結合支架教學、合作學習、思維導圖、形成性評估、提問策略等概念,目的在於提升學生在記憶、理解、應用、分析、評價、創意等六個層次的思維能力。本文將説明LTTL教學法的内容,並結合教學示例,如教案與教學材料,提供幼兒思維教學示例。
The 'Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn' (LTTL) pedagogy demonstrates six teaching steps to enhance children's thinking skills. This pedagogy has been implemented in schools and proven effective in improving bilingual children's thinking competence. While the pedagogy includes six teaching steps: input, apply, joint thinking, output, feedback, and individual thinking, it also integrates the concepts of scaffolding, collaborative learning, mind map, assessment for learning, and questioning strategies. It applies the revised version of Bloom's taxonomy to develop thinking competence of six thinking levels: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, and creating. This paper elaborates the teaching design of LTTL pedagogy, including lesson plan and teaching materials. Copyright © 2021 台灣華語文教學學會.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)8-18
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021


邱佳琪(2021):通過LTTL(Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn)教學法培養雙語兒童思維能力之教材與教法,《華語學刊》,30,頁8-18。


  • 幼兒教育
  • 思維能力
  • 教學法
  • 雙語
  • 教學
  • 教材
  • Early childhood education
  • Thinking competence
  • Pedagogy
  • Bilingual
  • Instruction
  • Teaching materials
  • Alt. title: Cultivating bilingual children's thinking competence through LTTL pedagogy