
林國華, 郭禮賢

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


本研究旨在探討透過行為改變技術來提升中度弱智兒童科技學習的成效層面。從國際性及東亞區研究範疇中,很少特殊教育研究涉獵這個學習層面。因此,本研究以前、後測法來比較 12 位中一至中五年級中度弱智學生在非科技教學組、科技教學組及行為改變技術融合於科技教學組中的學習差異,藉此嘉惠有特殊教育需要的學生。
This paper attempts to explore into possible enhancement of using behavior modification (BM) techniques for moderately retarded schooling children’s learning through information technology (IT). Facing the under-researched special education topic in international and East Asian research literature, the paper compares the pre- and post-test learning outcomes of 12 moderately retarded students at Grade 7-12 levels in the three groups of not using IT, using IT and using IT in BM settings through quantitative research methods, for the sake of those students with special educational needs. Copyright © 2004 全球華人計算機教育應用學會.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication第八屆全球華⼈計算機教育應用大會:GCCCE 2004 論文集
Editors 李芳樂, 張國恩, 黃榮懷
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9889778726
Publication statusPublished - May 2004


林國華和郭禮賢(2004):透過行為改變技術來改善中度弱智兒童對資訊科技學習成效之研究,輯於李芳樂、張國恩和黃榮懷主編《第八屆全球華⼈計算機教育應用大會:GCCCE 2004 論文集》,(頁553-560),香港,全球華人計算機教育應用學會–香港分會。


  • 特殊教育
  • 行為改變技術
  • 中度弱智兒童
  • 科技學習成效
  • Special education
  • Behavior modification methods
  • Moderately retarded children
  • Learning outcomes through IT
  • Alt. title: Effectiveness of using behavior modification (BM) techniques for moderately retarded schooling children’s learning through information technology (IT)