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焦循是清代揚州學派的重要代表人物。除了深於經學外,這位一代通儒在文學方面也有獨特的見解。他提出了一套陰陽互補的文學思想體系,以陰陽之道判分文學體裁,並由此確立各類文體的位置和特色。這套規模宏大的文學思想,與他的學術觀點互為表裏,而「性靈」則是貫通二者的重要觀念。 本文旨在考察焦循學說中「性靈」的意涵,以及與它相關的觀念,藉此 闡明焦循文論中經學與文學之間的關係。我們的結論是:(一)在焦循的論述中,經學與性靈乃一體之兩面,並無外於經學的性靈;(二)經學與文學並無從屬的關係,即焦循從來沒有表示沒有經學便不可以有文學。這兩點與學界流行的見解並不相同。
Jiao Xun 焦循is a representative figure of the Yangzhou School of the Qing dynasty. His erudition is shown not only in classical studies, but also in literature, and he has developed a unique view about literary writing. He presents a literary theory of “yin-yang complementation,” in which all genres and their characteristics are distinguished by the doctrine of yin and yang. This magnificent system of literary thought conforms to his viewpoints on classical studies tacitly, and xing ling 性靈is a key concept blending these two areas with each other. This article aims to illustrate the relationship between classical studies and literature in Jiao Xun's literary theory, by examining the meaning of xing ling and other concepts relevant to it. Two conclusions are drawn by the author. (1) In Jiao's discourse, classical studies and xing ling are two sides of a coin, i.e., xing ling appears only in classical studies and vice versa. (2) Literature is not attached to classical studies, which means Jiao Xun never supposed classical studies were a necessary condition for the existence of literature. These two points are different from the prevalent views. Copyright © 2001 國家圖書館.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)375-398
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2001




  • 清代
  • 焦循
  • 性靈
  • 經學
  • 文學批評
  • Qing dynasty
  • Jiao Xun 焦循
  • Xing ling性靈
  • Classical studies
  • Literary criticism
  • Alt. title: On Jiao Xun's doctrine of Xing Ling and its relation to classical studies and literature