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This paper examines the holistic world view induced in Yijing (Book of Changes) through analyzing the symbolic meanings of the hexagrams and the content of the Gua-yao-ci. The thought of Yijing and the thought of Confucius contain simultaneously the idea of extending the moral notions within our body to the ethical world through the technical manipulation of sounds and meanings of words and phrases. Language is an important media of connecting our moral life to the holistic world. This point of view reveals that the creative interpretations of the philosophers of the Song and Ming periods, which emphasizeg the unity of body, mind and the universe, are actually a glorious achievement in intellectual history, but their neglect of the importance of philology is also an obvious defect. The Qing philologists' achievements in phonology and philology readjust the bias of the Song and Ming philosophers, but their failure to deepen the exploration of the Confucian holistic world view is also an obvious defect. Copyright © 2008 山東大學學報編輯部哲社版.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)28-41
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 05 Jan 2008




  • 清儒
  • 易卦
  • 身體觀
  • 經典詮釋
  • 語言
  • Qing episteme
  • Hexagrams
  • Yijing Book of Changes
  • Interpretations
  • Language
  • Alt. title: On the innovation and limit of the Qing scholarship in interpretations of Confucian classics