
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


In the last few centuries, many Yijing scholars explained Dao (the Way) in terms of the interaction of yin and yang. They assumed that the two material forces are coequal and play the same role in the Yijing. But in the early Yijing tradition, yang is considered to be a more important force of change. The reason is that the Yijing describes a solar-centered universe. In the Yijingtext, the references to day and light, and the four seasons are actually reflections of the cyclical movement of sunlight on the north and south hemispheres. To describe the change in sunlight, yang means sunshine and yin means shade or coldness caused by the lack of sunlight. Either way, yangis the ultimate force that causes changes to take place. In this paper, I will demonstrate how this solar-based cosmology is presented in the Yijing and how it is developed into a system of thought by commentators such as Dong Zhongshu, Xun Shuang, Wang Bi, and Zhu Xi. Copyright © 2007 國立臺灣大學中國文學系 & 國立臺灣大學出版中心.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)89-118
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2007




  • 剛柔
  • 乾坤
  • 陰陽
  • 二分二至
  • 陽實陰虛
  • Qian kun
  • Yin yang
  • Yijing
  • Ching
  • Zhou Yi
  • Changcs
  • Alt. title: An argument for yang being the ultimate force of change in the Yijing