
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Since the arising of the Gu shi bian or Debates on Ancient History movement from the beginning of 1920s on, influenced by the "scientific" spirit, the academic circle of the studies of Changes had tended to argue that the ancient Text (i.e., judgments and line statements) of the Classic of Changes were but individuated records of divination and the Commentaries on it were attributed to philosophical creation and thus they should be distinguished respectively other than be mutually interpreted. This paper illustrates nine points to demonstrate that the ancient Text was a political document which conceives meanings and principles, and the subtleties of the meanings and principles of the Commentaries were by large inherited from the Text. The association between the Text and Commentaries just likes that between parents and children. As the genes of the parents are inherited by their children, the Text’s genes were also succeeded by the Commentaries. Nonetheless, the Text and Commentaries differ intrinsically as parents and children possess independent personalities respectively. So, we should neither amalgamate them into one nor separate them into two documents without any relevance. Copyright © 2012 山東大學中國周易學會.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)24-32
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012




  • 《易經》
  • 《易傳》
  • 《周易》
  • 經傳分離
  • Text of the Changes
  • Commentaries
  • Zhouyi
  • Separation of the text and commentaries
  • Exegesis
  • Alt. title: The judgments and line statements of the classic of changes are not individuated records of divination