
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Due to the sacredness of the classics, the traditional researchers of Zhouyi(Book of Changes) either interpret hexagrams and trigrams from Zhouyi, or vice versa, which treats classics and biographies as a whole. During this period, although it had been questioned by some scholars, it maintained its strong influence so as not to violate the authoritiveness of Confucianism. At the beginning of the 20th century, the mainstream of thought changed into the questioning of the ancient history. As a result, researchers intentionally broke off the relationship between classics and biographies of Zhouyi and thus came the theory of "separation of classics and biographies", which became the unbreakable rule for researchers concerned when studying Zhouyi. Based on the concept of "paradigm shift" and Gu Jiegangs theory of "ancient history accumulation", the theory development of the separation of classics and biographies in Zhouyi in the early 20th century can be deconstructed. As a matter of fact, this theory is supposed to result from the "accumulation", in which once the collective psychological factors of this theory disappear with the time and space transfer, researchers can objectively reflect on this exemplary principle. Copyright © 2020 杭州師範大學.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)1-18
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2020




  • 《周易》
  • 經傳分離
  • 古史辨
  • 疑古
  • Zhouyi(Book of changes)
  • Separation of classics and biographies
  • Discussion on ancient history
  • Questioning of ancient history
  • Alt. title: On the development of “separation of classics and biographies” in Zhouyi in the early 20th century