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The compilation system of Chinese textbooks should allow diversification. However, no matter how many systems there are, the premise is that these systems should have grounds and conforms to the scientific principle. The "topic-situation" system conforms to the studying rule of mother tongue of Chinese textbook arrangement, which is not rigid in Chinese knowledge construction. But looking from the system theory, the discipline theory, ability structure theory, the cognition psychology development and curriculum theory, this arrangement needs discussing, which does not pursue an ability training decomposition and the sequence. In 12 year consistent curriculum, the 9 year compulsory education is the stage for basic Chinese ability training. Hence, the units of Chinese textbooks are supposed to be focused on ability and the textbook compilation system should be oriented on ability training. Copyright © 2009 人民教育出版社, 課程教材研究所.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)46-50, 60
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2009


何文勝(2009):語文教科書編選體系的構建:兼論《新世紀語文教科書編排方式的探索》一文,《課程•教材•教法》,29(11),頁46-50, 60。


  • 語文教科書
  • 單元組織
  • 編選體系
  • 主題—情境
  • 能力訓練
  • Chinese textbooks
  • Unit
  • Compilation system
  • Topic-situation
  • Ability training
  • Alt. title: On the construction of Chinese textbook compilation system: Together with discussion on the exploration into the compilation method of Chinese textbooks in the new century