
劉銳, 孫碧澤, 龍云飛, 王珊

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Based on previous studies on frequency and frequency rank of words, this paper focuses on the analysis of the frequency rank difference(FRD) from the perspective of lexical quantitative analysis. This paper reveals that for the common words between texts, the FRDs are distributed symmetrically and gathered around the median. This characteristic assumes a "two-tailed distribution", which is flat in the middle and curving in both ends. Three lexical levels, i.e. middle, downward end and upward end, are summarized based on the FRD distributions. The middle lexicon reflects the common characteristics of the two texts, while the lexicon that belongs to both ends reflects their own distinctive features. These features are of linguistic significance in reflecting the thematic content and stylistic features of the texts. Copyright © 2017 中國科學院軟件研究所.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)8-13
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017




  • 序差
  • 雙尾分佈
  • 主題內容
  • 文體風格
  • Frequency rank difference
  • Two-tailed distribution
  • Thematic content
  • Stylistic features of the texts
  • Alt. title: Lexical frequency rank difference distributions between texts