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西詩及西詩中譯,對漢語新詩發展貢獻良多。透過閱讀和翻譯西詩,詩人除了可在思想內容上得到啟發,更可嘗試不同的詩體,並在詞彙、句法、節奏以至意境等方面作出實驗。本文以馮至與卞之琳為例,探討西詩與西詩中譯在 1920 年代中期至 1940 年代初期對漢語新詩發展的一些具體影響。馮至和卞之琳均是當時的詩壇健將,亦是西洋文學翻譯專家,二人的西詩翻譯與新詩創作往往相得益彰。論者大多認為馮至寫於 1941 年的十四行詩是他最成熟的作品,而卞之琳大部分的名篇都寫於1930 年代中、後期,而先前他們詩藝的成長都曾受惠於西詩的閱讀與翻譯。故此本文有關馮至的討論從 1920 年代中期下迄 1942 年出版的《十四行集》,卞之琳的部分則由 1930 年下迄 1939 年完成的《慰勞信集》。
Western poetry and its Chinese translation have made significant contributions to the development of modern Chinese poetry. Through reading and translating Western poems, Chinese poets were inspired by Western thoughts and sentiments as well as benefited by experimenting with various Western poetical forms. Besides, they also received creative inspirations regarding vocabulary, syntax, tempo and artistic conception in general. This article takes Feng Zhi and Bian Zhi Lin as prime examples, exploring in what concrete ways Western poetry and its translation have influenced modern Chinese poetry between
the 1920s and early 1940s. Feng and Bian were both important poets and professional translators of Western literature. Graduated from the German and English departments of Peking University respectively, Feng and Bian received proper training in foreign languages; their translation work and their own poetical practice benefited each other. Critics usually consider Feng’s sonnets, written in 1941, as the summit of his poetical achievement and that most of Bian’s best poems were written in the mid- to the late 1930s. Before reaching such maturity, their earlier writings had been much influenced by the reading and translation of Western poetry. The scope of the present study thus covers the works of Feng written between the mid-1920s and 1941 and those of Bian between 1930 and 1939 (when his Wei Lao Xin ji was completed). Copyright © 2017 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Cheng Kung University.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)145-180
Issue number59
Publication statusPublished - 2017




  • 西詩中譯
  • 漢語新詩
  • 馮至
  • 卞之琳
  • 影響研究
  • Translation of Western poetry
  • Modern Chinese poetry
  • Feng Zhi
  • Bian Zhi Lin
  • Influence studies