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《我的喬治亞》發表於2008年,是西西最近期的一部長篇小說。這部小說由兩個部分組成,布置娃娃屋的過程和活在娃娃屋裏的喬家生活點滴,由於前者發生在二十一世紀,而後者活在十八世紀的英國,過去和現在的時空並置,再加上家屋建構的想像,帶出了烏托邦的話題。在西西筆下,烏托邦的話題總是以反諷的的形式出現,它與反小說的精神是一致的,都是對權力的反抗,是一種追尋自由的表現。因此,西西十分讚賞巴赫金的複調小說理論,並進一步接近與此關係密切的小說傳統。本文共分為三個部分:第一個部分題為「烏托邦小說與自由」,討論《我的喬治亞》如何繼承了西西早期反烏托邦的精神,反抗權力,提倡多元與自由;第二個部分題為「狂歡與穢物:對《巨人傳》的戲仿」,討論西西如何在小說裏活用巴赫金在《拉伯雷研究》(Rabelais and His World)一書中談到的穢物與狂歡元素;第三個部分題為「倒轉上下的戲謔:十八世紀的婢僕與離婚」,討論西西如何運用戲謔的技巧來改寫十八世紀的英國故事。
My Georgia, published in 2008, is the latest novel by Xi Xi. The novel consists of two parts: the process of decorating the doll house, and the George family’s life in the doll house. The first part happens in the twenty-first century, and the family in the second part lives in eighteenth-century England; the story lies in conjunction of the past and the present. Coupled with the imagination of constructing the house, the novel presents the topic of utopia. In Xi Xi’s works, the topic utopia always emerges in the form of irony, featuring an antinovel stance-which is the resistance to power and the search for freedom. Based on this, Xi Xi praised Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of the polyphonic novel and got closer to the tradition of novels related to his theory. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is titled ‘Utopian Novel and Freedom’ and discusses how My Georgia inherits the spirit of dystopia, being against power, and advocating pluralism and freedom from Xi Xi’s early years. The second part is titled ‘Carnival and Dirt: Parodied on the Biography of Giant’ and discusses how Xi Xi applies dirt and elements of carnivalization found in Bakhtin’s Rabelais and His World. The third part, ‘Upside-Down Bantering: Servant and Divorce of the Eighteenth Century’, discusses how Xi Xi applies humorous writing techniques to rewriting a story of eighteenth-century Britain. Copyright © 2016 東華大學中國語文學系.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)195-223
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016




  • 西西
  • 《我的喬治亞》
  • 烏托邦
  • 狂歡
  • 戲謔小說
  • Xi Xi
  • My Georgian
  • Utopia
  • Carnival
  • Novel as game
  • Alt. title: Yearning for freedom: Carnival and bantering in My Georgia