
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Hu Shi's Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy is widely recognized to be the paradigmatic work in the construction of Chinese philosophy as a modern discipline. Many scholars even suppose that the the recently hotly debated notion of “Reverse Geyi" (analogical interpretation) originated in the method used in this book. The so-called “Reverse Geyi” method primarily refers to the fact that contemporary Chinese philosophical research has to draw on the conceptual system and theoretical framework of Western philosophy so as to help elucidate the original materials of Chinese philosophy. Some scholars suggest that this is inevitable, while others worry that the philosophical texts and concepts of China will then be misinterpreted. After more than a decade of discussion, it is time to make a conclusion regarding this controversy.
Since Hu Shi is considered a pioneer in using the “Reverse Geyi” method, this paper investigates the rationale and method which Hu adopted in his introduction of Western philosophical concepts, taking the concept of “naturalism” as a case study to do so. Naturalism has been chosen mainly because it plays an extraordinary important role in Hu Shi's body of work, occurring frequently in Hu Shi's writings at different historical time periods. In addition, Hu’s application of naturalism to explain Chinese philosophy is still influential today. As such, through his use of this concept we can glimpse the origin, function, and path forward for the “Reverse Geyi” method. The article first investigates, from the perspective of intellectual history, the relationship between Hu Shi and “Reverse Geyi.” It then goes on to examine Hu Shi's appropriation of “naturalism” and the resulting changes brought to the meaning of this concept. It doing so, the paper dispels the various myths generated by “Reverse Geyi.” Copyright © 2020 國立中山大學中國文學系.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)229-274
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020




  • 胡適
  • 自然主義
  • 反向格義
  • 類比說明
  • 範式意義
  • Hu Shi
  • Naturalism
  • “Reverse Geyi”
  • Analogical interpretation
  • Paradigmatic significance
  • Alt. title: On Hu Shi’s appropriation of naturalism with discussions on the origin and myth of “Reverse Geyi”