
周穎, 江紹祥, 張大林

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


How to guide young people to take advantages and avoid disadvantages in playing Internet game is a challenging problem that our society has to face. This study attempts to propose an Internet game evaluation model using two layers of indexes. Fifteen indexes are extracted from 32 using the AHP method to determine the weights of the 32 evaluation indexes. The total weight of the 15 indexes is 0.81. The result shows that both the positive and negative sides and the importance of theeach indexshould be taken into considerationin evaluating Internet game. The indexes can be used to guide young people to play Internet game in a healthy manner, inform developer in developing Internet game and inform the society to evaluate Internet game. Copyright © 2015 中央電化教育館.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)62-66
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2015




  • 網路遊戲
  • 網路應用
  • 評價系統
  • 青少年健康上網教育
  • AHP方法
  • Internet game
  • Internet application
  • Evaluation system
  • Online health and education
  • AHP method
  • Alt. title: A study of an internet game evaluation model using weighed index