
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This survey investigates the practice and attitudes towards online reading and print reading among students in Hong Kong. Participants were students in the third grade and sixth grade in primary school, and third grade in middle school. From the questionnaire data collected, the features of Hong Kong students' reading habit have been portrayed. (1)The reading frequency and the number of books, for both story books and e-materials differ in different educational levels. (2)Students usually prefer reading from books rather than on the web. (3)There differences in the motivation of reading from books and on the web. (4)Secondary students show the weakest for reading books but they show the strongest for reading on the web. (5)Students believe that reading from books is more interesting than reading on the web. Also reading from books can enhance the reading ability. The findings show that online reading do not surpass print reading at the moment. Copyright © 2008 商務印書館.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)60-74
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2008




  • 網路閱讀
  • 印刷閱讀
  • 閱讀媒體
  • 閱讀動機
  • 閱讀自信
  • Online reading
  • Print reading
  • Reading media
  • Reading motives
  • Reading confidence
  • Alt. title: Comparison between online reading and print reading: A survey on Hong Kong students