
欒芸, 劉靜玲, 鄧潔, 曾寶強

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有效的公眾參與是提高流域水資源管理效率和流域綜合管理成功的關鍵因素。選取白洋淀流域的典型城市模塊 (保定市)、鄉村模塊 (淶水縣) 及水敏感區 (安新縣) 進行研究,綜合采用問卷調查、利益群體訪談和專家咨詢等方法,對政府管理人員、流域居民的環境意識及水資源管理參與現狀進行了分析評價,比較與評估了政府及相關利益群體的環境知識、環境滿意度、信息流通渠道、參與意願、實際參與度、政府行為及其公眾認知度和接受度。結果表明:公眾參與水資源管理的現狀是水敏感區的參與效果好於城鎮模塊,且城鎮模塊好於鄉村模塊;公眾獲取環境知識與環境信息的途徑主要以親身感受與媒體宣傳的被動接受形式為主;參與途徑不暢通,實際參與度低於有參與意願的比例,參與意願不確定性高;公眾對於政府行為的認知度為41.3%,接受度僅為19%;管理者對於公眾參與在水資源管理中作用的認識仍有待提高,參與活動以宣傳教育為主,缺乏整體考慮及上下游溝通與設計,缺乏全過程參與,居民尚未形成共同認可的流域價值觀。建議加強全過程參與、環保民間團體的作用以及學校環境教育。 Effective public participation is a key factor in improving the efficiency of river basin water resources management and to promote the success of its comprehensive management. Three representative sites including Baoding, a typical city, Laishui, a rural county, and Anxin, a water-sensitive area, in the Baiyangdian basin were selected in this paper for research. Methods such as questionnaire surveys, interviews with stakeholders and expert consultations were adopted to analyze and evaluate the environmental awareness of government officials and local residents in this basin, and the current participatory situation in the water resource management of the river basin(WRMRB). Comparative evaluations were performed of the officials and local residents in terms of environmental knowledge, environmental satisfaction, information circulation channels, willingness to participate, actual participation, government behavior, public awareness and acceptance. The results show that the sequence of public participation in water resource management(WRM) is water-sensitive area> urban area> rural area. The main channels for the public to obtain environmental knowledge and information are personal experience and passive acceptance through media publicity; the channels of participation are impeded. The actual participation rate is lower than the percentage of the willingness to participate, which means there is a high uncertainty of willingness to participate; the percentage of the public’s awareness of the government’s actions in environment is 41.3%. The public’s acceptance rate is low, only 19%. The officials have a poor understanding of the function of public participation in WRM, and the main participatory activities are publicity and education. The problems are that the management bodies do not consider the river basin as a whole, and are unwilling to communicate smoothly with stakeholders from the upper and lower reaches of the basin and make a coordinated design for water basin management. Meanwhile, there is a lack of decision-making and participation at the scale of whole basin. The residents of this river basin have not formed a set of commonly-accepted attitudes toward the basin management. Suggestions are as follows: develop decision-making and whole-process participation; promote non-governmental environmental protection organizations’ involvement; and improve environmental education in schools. Copyright © 2010 中國環境科學研究院.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)703-710
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2010


欒芸、劉靜玲、鄧潔和曾寶強 (2010):白洋澱流域水資源管理中的公眾參與分析及評價,《環境科學研究》,23(6),頁703-710。


  • 白洋澱流域
  • 公眾參與
  • 水資源管理
  • Public participation
  • Water resources management(WRM)
  • Baiyangdian basin
  • Alt. title: Analysis and evaluation of public participation in water resources management of baiyangdian Basin, China