

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


The Curriculum Development Council has proposed a “Chinese Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide” for secondary schools in 2001. In the new curriculum guide, an “open and flexible framework” has been developed for the writing of textbooks, and a series of exemplary learning units for secondary 1 to 3 have been supplied. To implement these, clear guiding principles are introduced in the new curriculum guide for teachers’ reference. Based on these exemplary learning units, conventional publishers have produced 7 sets of textbooks which are being in use in 2002. Viewing from the perspectives of curriculum design and teaching and learning materials development, this paper examines the effectiveness of implementing these new ideas. It is found that the selection and writing of teaching and learning materials are based on grounded theory. However, the exemplary learning units are unable to put them in real practice which directly affects the writing of textbooks. This paper discusses this issue and suggests a new direction for the implementation of principles introduced in the new curriculum guide. Copyright © 2006 Hong Kong Educational Research Association.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)111-129
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2006




  • 課程指引
  • 教科書
  • 編選體系
  • Alt. title: Influences of the new curriculum guide to textbooks