
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


For any new form of literary and artistic works to be accepted by the public, its aesthetic characteristics must be consistent with people’s aesthetic model. Although China had its traditional concept of “aesthetics”, the modern concept came from the West. Guowei Wang and among other Chinese writers introduced the Western aesthetics to China and integrated it into the Chinese Culture. They further developed a set of theories on “Hua Xi”, referring to integrating the western culture into the Chinese culture. The new literature, which was influenced by Western ideas, and the new “Hua Xi” aesthetics complement each other. They both became new elements of the Chinese culture, and enhanced the social impact of literature. Copyright © 2017 中華書局(香港)有限公司.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Title of host publication漢語教學與文化新探
Editors 施仲謀 , 廖佩莉
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789888489343
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


賴志成 (2017):淺論西方美學對中國近代「化西」審美模式的影響,輯於施仲謀等主編《漢語教學與文化新探》,(頁 288-302),香港,中華書局。


  • 西方美學
  • 化西
  • 審美模式
  • Western aesthetics
  • "Absorbing Western concepts into Chinese ones (Hua Xi)"
  • Aesthetic model
  • Alt. title: A discussion about the influence of Western aesthetics on modern Chinese "Absorbing Western concepts into Chinese ones (Hua Xi)" aesthetic model