
黃碧珊, 譚寶芝

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本研究比較讀故事和說故事對五至六歲幼兒閱讀表現的影響。研究員把八位幼兒分成讀故事及說故事兩組,在十二周內分別以讀和說的方法進行閱讀教學,並運用Elizabeth Sulzby的閱讀行為理論架構作主要評估準則。結果顯示,讀故事及說故事兩組均有助改善幼兒的閱讀行為。不過,若談到在促進幼兒超越圖畫主導的閱讀行為並進而發展至文字主導的層次方面,則讀故事一組效益顯著。此外,讀故事一組亦同時在探索、辨識和應用書面語詞語方面較有表現。本研究除了評估幼兒這些閱讀表現外,也討論了讀和說兩種方法如何影響課室言談。由於本地幼兒教育鮮見類似的閱讀教學的比較研究,本文所論應有助幼兒教育工作者進一步了解讀故事及說故事兩者的作用和教學方法。
This study compared the reading performance of two groups of young children aged 5 to 6 who were participating in programmes of story reading and story telling respectively. In this study, Elizabeth Sulzby’s assessment scheme of reading bebaviours was adopted as the major tool for observing the progression of the reading performance of these two groups of young children. The results show that both story reading and story telling are beneficial to the improvement of the reading performance of the young children. However, the group participating in the story reading demonstrated a greater improvement of reading behaviours. They generally developed print-governed reading behaviours and showed a stronger interest in exploring the meanings of the written language of story books. Apart from reporting the children’s reading performance, the classroom discourse in relation to the specific teaching strategies adopted by the teacher in these two programmes are also discussed. Considering there is not much similar research has been done in the local kindergartens, this study could enhance our understanding about the role and the use of various strategies for teaching reading to local young children. Copyright © 2011 香港教育學院.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)24-30
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011




  • Alt. title: A comparison study of the effects of story reading and storytelling on the reading performance of young children