

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


In Old Chinese, the personal pronoun qi 其 mostly performs the attributive function, and it also works as a subject or a pivot in some subordinate clauses. Wei Pei-chuan (2004) shows that qi started to be used as an object or a subject of a simple sentence or a root clause during the Eastern Han dynasty through analyzing the earliest Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures. This analysis was persuasive decades ago, but now the scholars cast doubts on the feasibility of using Chinese Buddhist translations as the supplement at any time when lacking the literature composed locally. In other words, does the Buddhist translation reflect the actual situation of Chinese of the corresponding period under any circumstance? The study of Buddhist Chinese in the past ten years has given a negative answer. This paper suggests that the usage of qi as an object or a subject of a simple sentence or a root clause in the Eastern Han Buddhist translations is a deviation, created by the foreign translators who learned Chinese as a second language. More specially, the translators overgeneralized their limited knowledge of Chinese when translating Buddhist scriptures. Therefore, the argument of the substantive syntactic change of qi should be supported by literature composed locally. However, the creation, essentially a misuse, of the translator could be a cause of the change of qi. But the misuse also occurred in local texts, albeit they were too few to demonstrate the change of qi. Later, more and more misuses in the translation accelerated the change of qi. In the case, all the examples found in Buddhist translations and local texts could be regarded as the origin of the change. This paper also indicates that the theory about learning Chinese as a second language can provide theoretical tools and methods for the study of Buddhist Chinese. Copyright © 2020 中西書局.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Title of host publication佛典與中古漢語代詞研究
Editors 朱慶之, 董秀芳
Place of Publication上海
ISBN (Print)9787547517567
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020




  • 三身代詞“其”
  • 單句和根句主語
  • 賓語
  • 東漢譯經
  • 二語習得
  • 偏誤
  • Third person pronoun qi
  • Buddhist translations in the Eastern Han
  • Second-language acquisition
  • Alt. title: The personal pronoun qi 其used as the subject of a simple sentence or a root clause and various objects in the Eastern Han Buddhist translations