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This article indicates:
1. By investigating works from the Northern Song to the southern migration of the Song Dynasty, meaning of “Huaxu” depicted by Song people mostly not referring to the original essence of “Dream of Huaxu” of Huangdi which recorded in Liezi. On the other hand, it indicated most satisfactory living style within the secular world. Yan Shu, Su Shi, Lu Tao, Wang Ting-gui and Zhao Ding even directly used “Huaxu” as a metaphor for peace and prosperity of city; which was also the major context for Meng Yuan-lao to use “Huaxu” as a metaphor for prosperity of Dongjing (Kaifeng).
2. Dongjing Menghua Lu used the vocabulary “extravagance” for four times without an apparent critical attitude. Conversely, its preface “manipulated the derogatory terms for complimentary use” to emphasize idea of “extravagance strengthen people's spirit”; which indicated “extravagant” value and living style was an important manifestation of Dongjing's prosperity.
3. By comparing depictions towards prostitutes, evil youngsters and loafers from Dongjing Menghua Lu, Du Cheng Ji Sheng (Documenting Capital's Glories), Meng Liang Lu (Dream of Grain) and Wu lin jiu shi (Old stories of Lin'an), Meng Yuan-lao was revealed not criticizing against these characters in Dongjing Menghua Lu, but the other three works derogated these people obviously.
4. Analyzing from perspective of interpretative History, Dongjing Menghua Lu may capable for intriguing association of irony; nonetheless, internal textual evidences as well as relevant external evidences had proven such interpretation did not comply with the main concept of the book, and even contrasted to the comprehension of Dongjing's prosperity from Meng Yuan-lao. Copyright © 2016 人文中國學報.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)93-125
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016




  • 《東京夢華録》
  • 華胥
  • 盛世與衰世
  • 奢侈
  • Dongjing menghua Lu
  • Reminiscences of the eastern capital
  • Huaxu
  • Flourishing age verse decadent age
  • Extravagant
  • Alt. title: Does Dongjing Menghua Lu (Reminiscences of the Eastern capital)reflect reasons of decline by depicting the prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty?: A concurrent discussion for “dream of Huaxu” of Song people